Clojure Programming Workshops

Next workshop: October 1st 2016 (30th Sept install party)

ClojureBridge is a free workshop to teach you the Clojure programming language, primarilly aimed at those who identify as women, transgender & non-binary.

We support people who are completely new to programming, through to existing developers new to Clojure.

Why learn Clojure?

Clojure is a modern programming language that can be use to build apps for the web, mobile devices and desktop. The simple syntax of the Clojure language makes it a great choice for those new to programming. The syntax also makes it easy for existing developers to learn functional programming via Clojure.

Clojure has a huge amount of libraries available to help you build a wide range of apps really quickly. As Clojure is also a hosted language on JavaScript/Node.js, Java or Microsoft .Net, you can use all the libraries from those host platform too.


The ClojureBridge Curriculum introduces you to fundamental programming concepts in Clojure through many practical examples and exercises. Teachers and assistants are there to guide you and help you build your first apps in Clojure.


Each participant requires their own laptop with either MacOSX, Linux or Windows operating system. We help you set up your laptop for Clojure during the install party.

Workshop Details:

  • Student Registration: Add yourself to the ClojureBridge event and complete the registration form
  • Location: Thoughtworks, 76 Wardour Street London, W1F 0UR
  • Install party: From 6.45 PM Friday 30th September
  • Clojure workshop: 10 AM to 5 PM, Saturday 1st October
  • Food and drink is provided during the event by our sponsors, Thoughtworks. Please add any preferences on the student registration form

The event is free of charge and run by unpaid volunteers from the Clojure community. While the workshop is primarily for women, transgender & non-binary attendees, our coaches and organizers are members of the local Clojure community of various genders

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About us

ClojureBridge London is organized with a lot of love by volunteers. We try our best to make the workshop a memorable event and bring more diversity into our community.

Twitter: @ClojureBridgeLN

Hashtag: #ClojureBridge

Chatroom: ClojureBridgeLondon/chat (


Workshop April 2015

Our first workshop happened on 17th and 18th April in London. We had 35 students and 14 coaches. Our generous host was uSwitch

Workshop February 2016

The February workshop took place on 18th and 19th February in London. We had 28 students and around 12 coaches.

Host: uSwitch

Autum 2016 Sponsors

ClojureBridge London is a chapter of

Creative Commons License
ClojureBridge Curriculum by ClojureBridge is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.